An Update from the Standing Committee
Since the announcement of Bishop Hayashi’s resignation/retirement, the Standing Committee has been meeting regularly to build the necessary foundation to launch a bishop search and transition process and to lay the groundwork for calling …
“O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
(Francis Scott Key, 1779 – 1843; Star Spangled Banner)
No. It does not. It used to do that. But not …
In his summer message, Bishop Scott B. Hayashi encourages rest, reflection and relaxation as well as continued attendance at church. He also asks for prayers for those affected by unusual spring weather such as flooding and tornadoes.
Bishop Scott B. Hayashi asked members of the deputation to General Convention in Austin, Texas to detail their experience in short essays.
Click here to read the ones that were submitted.…
The Episcopal Church’s Houses of Bishops and Deputies voted unanimously to re-admit The Episcopal Church of Cuba as a diocese of the Episcopal Church. The Diocese of Cuba will become part of Province II.
The houses passed resolution A238 which …
The Title IV training website is now live and was enthusiastically received by the full church at General Convention.
The Diocese of Utah is grateful to have been entrusted with the task of creating the important training materials to help …
During General Convention, the United Thank Offering announced approved grants.
The Sudanese congregation at All Saints has been awarded $18,000 for a much-needed van. The van will provide transportation for those who need it. It serves our treasured and vibrant …
The Rt. Rev. Scott Hayashi has been elected to The Episcopal Church Executive Council. The EC serves to govern The Episcopal Church by carrying out resolutions and actions passed in General Convention. This is an honor for the Bishop and …