Camp Tuttle is an outdoor ministry of the Episcopal Church of Utah.
Nestled at the top of Big Cottonwood Canyon, Camp Tuttle offers overnight summer camps for children entering grades 3-12.
Each summer, 3rd-4th graders get to enjoy a starter mini-camp, spending three nights at Camp. 5th-12th graders participate in a lengthier five night camp.
Inclusion and acceptance are a key at Camp Tuttle, and children of all religious backgrounds are encouraged to come join in the fun!
Hildegarde’s Pantry is a ministry of the Cathedral Church of St. Mark and began in the kitchen of the Cathedral in the early 80s and then moved to the old parish hall. The pantry was one of the first in the state to move to a complete “choice” approach; visitors to the pantry indicate their choices for all food and personal care items from the shelves. We believe this promotes the dignity of all our guests.
St. Francis Episcopal Church, Moab, houses the Moab Free Health Clinic.
St. Francis Episcopal Church was also a founding member of the Moab Valley Multicultural Center. The center advocates, educates, and collaborates with the community to remove cultural, language, or economic barriers with particular emphasis on immigrant, minority, indigenous, and vulnerable populations of all ages in Moab and surrounding rural areas.
Under the leadership of Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle, St. Mark’s Hospital opened its doors in 1872.
While the Diocese no longer owns the hospital, we still operate a chaplaincy and chaplaincy program that has certified more than 200 chaplains. We also maintain a chapel at the hospital. Additionally, from some the proceeds of the sale of the hospital, we have created a compassionate fund for assistance.
Children at risk need a place to go. Youth Impact’s purpose is to respect, protect, serve, and instill hope in the children of Ogden, and through them, our community.
Since 1992 Youth Impact has been serving youth who reside in Ogden’s inner-city neighborhoods. Now they continue to serve the community in a diocesan-owned building where children can study, eat, and have safe environment for growth.
Health and respect for people is vital. That is why the Episcopal Diocese of Utah owns five senior residence centers–places where people can live with dignity. We maintain a chaplain at each center and foster a friendly and safe environment for the residents.
Utah Episcopalians believe that God loves and accepts all people without exception.
That is why we are community advocates for LGBTQ equality and proudly march in the Salt Lake City Pride parade each year.
We also make our voice heard on social issues related to healthcare and human dignity.
Utah is filled with rich Native American history and culture and we work for the full inclusion of Native Peoples in the life and leadership of the church.
We have two churches on the Ute Reservation in eastern Utah. We use this as a chance to share our faith and culture as well as serve the community.
There are numerous programs that serve kids and vulnerable members of the reservation such as the kids art program at St. Elizabeth’s in White Rock.
The Episcopal Diocese of Utah takes diversity and inclusion seriously, offering multicultural and multilingual congregations around the states. This includes Sudanese-oriented worship services at All Saints Episcopal Church in Salt Lake City as well as Spanish language services at St. Stephen’s/San Esteban’s Episcopal Church in West Valley City.
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