Giving to Tuttle
Your gift will support transformative spiritual youth programming for years to come

Throughout the year, Tuttle relies on tax-deductible, charitable gifts to fulfill its mission and offer transformative spiritual programming for all. We appreciate the generosity of our community and hope you consider supporting this special place today.
To support Tuttle’s mission to provide a positive and inclusive learning environment that celebrates spiritual enlightenment in the outdoors, please complete the secure donation form.
If you wish to include Tuttle in your estate plans, please contact us: camptuttle@episcopal-ut.org.
Contact: Bill Potts, Chief Financial Officer
Ways to Give
Camp Tuttle has been physically growing and expanding for well over 30 years. Just over six acres of land houses 19 structures that range in size and vary in use. Some of the buildings at camp are used for maintenance purposes. Others, like our cozy lodge, that stands at the heart of Camp Tuttle, have been well loved for most of camp’s history and continue to host hundred of guests each year.
Your donation to the Facilities Fund ensures that all of camp’s 19 building get the love and care they need throughout the year. Our physical spaces must grow with us! With your help we can maintain the buildings we have and hope for construction of new additions along the way.
The Administrative Support Fund is designed to help grow camps new and existing ministries including but not limited to increasing camp staff and counselor compensation, the replacement of new bunk beds for the cabins to expand our ever-growing programs, and to support camp with its pursuit of accreditation from the American Camps Association.
The Programs Enrichment Fund (PEF) was created to give donors an opportunity to support a variety of Camp Tuttle programs. Some of the top uses of the PEF support the ongoing improvement and new construction of challenge course events, strengthening Camp Tuttle’s Mental Health Advocacy Program, and advancing the work of our Gender Equity program.
It is the policy of Camp Tuttle and the Episcopal Diocese of Utah that no person, regardless of religious affiliation, be excluded from participating in Camp Tuttle programs for financial reasons. Camp Tuttle provides scholarships on a first come, first serve basis. This ensures that all children have the opportunity to attend our wonderful camp.
Our scholarship program, also known as “camperships”, allows us to expand the reach of our spiritual outdoor programming to youth who require additional assistance to make it to camp. Tuttle is the first place many of our Campership participants are exposed to transformative experiences like a challenge course, backpacking, and leadership opportunities among peers their age. Consider giving the gift of Tuttle today.
The Episcopal Diocese of Utah is committed to serving youth year round. The Youth Ministry of the Diocese provides ample opportunity for youth to be in community with each other, even when they might feel far from camp.
Your donation to Youth Ministry programming will offer youth and young adults scholarships to attend seasonal retreats and weekend event that range from Moab Trip camp to weekend leadership workshop opportunities.