Month: February 2017

Episcopal Day at the Legislature

Thirty-five concerned Episcopalians gathered at the capitol building for the annual Episcopal Day at the Utah State Legislature to talk to representatives about social justice issues. The Coalition of Religious Communities organizes the faith days in hopes that voices for …

Registration Now Open for Diocesan Convention 2017

Registration for delegates and visitors to Diocesan Convention 2017 is now open.  The convention will be held March 31-April 1 at the Hotel RL (formerly the Red Lion) in Salt Lake City.

To register, visit, or click here.

Pre-Convention Meeting Scheduled for March 4, 2017

Bishop Scott B. Hayashi has called for a Pre-Convention meeting for March 4th at 10:00 to noon in order to discuss resolutions, offer information on the Diocesan Council passed budget for 2017, introduce nominees for office, and brief the diocese …